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Chiropractic Treatment


We are specialists in diagnosing and treating conditions that occurred from an accident.

If your main concern is that it might not be safe, a thorough and detailed examination and history like the one we do for all new patients at RESULTS Rehab and Wellness Center, will be sufficient to determine what the proper course of care for you should be. We regularly work with the best specialists in the metroplex and refer patients for MRI imaging, CT scans, xray, Chiropractic Therapeutic Modalities, massage, acupuncture, and even surgery if needed.

Where’s The Damage from a Whiplash?

The vast majority of whiplash sufferers have misaligned spinal bones (cervical vertebrae) and nerve, joint, ligament, tendon, muscle and disc stress, irritation or damage. RESULTS Rehab and Wellness Center has a special name to describe this type of condition — a vertebral subluxation, the most common source of pain and discomfort from whiplash injuries. A whiplash injury is a dramatic example of one type of vertebral subluxation — the kind produced by accident or trauma. Subluxations may also be caused by emotional stress and tension that

slowly build up day-to-day — micro-trauma. Other causes of subluxations are poor posture, bad sleeping positions, weak muscles, poor diet and even dental work. A chiropractic examination often includes a discussion of your personal habits and any injuries, falls, accidents or situations which may contribute to subluxations. Chiropractors are the only professionals specially trained to locate and correct your subluxations.


Whiplash Symptoms — Body And Mind

Immediately after the accident you may feel some neck soreness or stiffness, perhaps accompanied by a headache. Later, pain and/or numbness, tingling or a pins-and-needles feeling may develop between the shoulder blades, in the arm, hand and/or fingers. Depending on the nerves affected, you may have ear ringing, dizziness, hearing loss, eye pain, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, nasal problems, low back pain and even internal organ problems.


Immediately After The Accident

An individual who has been in an accident should first make sure that there is no life-threatening emergency—broken bones, bleeding or hemorrhage, internal organ damage, serious contusions or abrasions, shock or other damage. This is the specialty of emergency medicine. Yet too many patients are released from medical care after an injury even though they are still not well. Although the X-rays, MRI or CT scans and other tests may have found “nothing,” the patient’s spine has not been analyzed for subluxations. They may develop arthritis and disc problems years after the accident (and after the legal settlements) because a chiropractor was not consulted right away.


After the patient’s condition has stabilized, it is essential that the accident victim’s spine be checked by a doctor of chiropractic for vertebral subluxations.


No amount of drugs or therapies will give the patient what the doctor of chiropractic can give: the spinal adjustment which realigns the spinal column safely and easily, without drugs or surgery.


Psychological Changes

Whiplash sufferers sometimes have memory, thinking, vision and psychological problems even if there is no head or brain injury. How could that be? Research has revealed that a neck subluxation can cause decreased blood flow to the brain!



A concussion may accompany a whiplash. In a concussion the brain is thrown around inside the skull—similar to scrambling an egg without damaging the shell. Concussion symptoms may include headache, restlessness, irritability, moodiness, depression and emotional ‘jitters’ that may last for hours, days or months after the accident.


Chiropractic Care For Whiplash Victims

Chiropractic effectiveness with whiplash sufferers has long been observed and reported in professional journals. Chiropractic’s superiority was noted in a study published in a major medical journal when, after the authors interviewed 93 patients, they concluded: “Whiplash injuries are common. Chiropractic is the only proven effective treatment in chronic cases.”


When your back is injured, you’re likely to hear the terms herniated disc, slipped disc, and ruptured disc used interchangeably. There’s a good reason for that. They all refer to the same thing. A herniated lumbar disc is a common reason for patients to visit our holistic health clinic for a chiropractic adjustment.  A lumbar disc injury is very painful. That’s because a herniated disc pinches nerves and affects the spinal cord.


People between the ages of 30-50 years old are the most likely to suffer disc injuries. More than

twice as many men as women suffer from the problem. There is no evidence that pharmaceutical drugs can help with a herniated disc. Traditional medical treatments that prescribe painkillers for severe back pain simply mask the symptoms. They don’t address the underlying problem. Chiropractic adjustment is much more effective at relieving local or radiating pain for people with acute back pain.


Common Herniated Disc Symptoms

In addition to back pain, a herniated disc in your lower back can cause pain in your buttocks, hips, thighs and calves. You may feel pain on one side or both sides.  If the problem is in your cervical vertebrae, you’re more likely to feel pain in your shoulders and arms and even in the calves. Herniated discs also cause numbness, tingling and general weakness. Typically, you’ll experience symptoms in whatever muscles and body parts served by the affected nerves.


What Causes a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc is usually a degenerative condition brought on by wear and tear and normal aging. Over time, your discs lose moisture content and become less flexible. They can become dried up and brittle. If you perform repetitive motions at work, you can suffer a slipped disc from simple overuse. If you use improper bending, lifting or twisting motions while picking up or putting down large parcels, you’re also a candidate for a ruptured disc.


Being overweight is also a risk factor, as your stomach muscles are an important part of keeping your spine in alignment. Too much sitting, or craning your neck while working on a computer at work, are also common reasons to seek out a chiropractor for back problems. Even genetics plays a part.

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